Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sports Cosmology: Tome Excerpt (The Holy-Daze Spirit)

by Eric G. Satterwhite

In the spirit of bestowing preview priority Sports Cosmology --authored by yours truly (available soon on this website and retailers)-- discharges one more excerpt to the vital spark-- at the 2014 phaseout.

What you will find is delectable intel' as to the incredulity of the human body-- aloft the narrow lanes of prosaic anatomical trivia. 

This supervenient tithing is gleaned by plain spoken repartee (allies)-- carrying on behind the scenes-- in urbane laboratories engaged to uplift humanity. 

Yes indeed.

In the now check in for a phalanx of articles to flow...

Its all love....

Keep in touch Body 2 Body (SPORTS COSMOLOGY)

• Human life forms   comprises  100 000 000 000 000 cells (read "one hundred trillion"). 

 Comparatively: the   Great Elephant crunches proximates 6 500 000 000 000 000 (six and a half quadrillion) cells.

The sequent is planted on the genetic blueprint/matrix/ archetype of this  dimension's (3D) physiological construct.

Human's  navigate in 60% water (at a minimum)H2O  prorates  (magical mathematics) ubiquitously-- hence the water formation in adipose tissues 20%,  bone density 25% , 70% liver fluids, muscle moisture 75%, blood 80% , and  brain aqua pura 85% . When scoping  these sum  a cogent paradox glares-  human anatomical blood liquidity is less than water in the human brain --  not only in quantity but in the  precise "packaging" of water. Contrastive, jellyfish
(immortal life forms) reposes  98-99%  water--and as stupendously  jellyfish will not dissolve form under the sea--  thriving/ elucidating a light body.

• The remaining 40% of nature's body weight grid  are allocated as follows: 

Protein - 19%, fat and fat-like substances - 15%, minerals 5%), carbohydrates - 1%.

Elements comprising  body structure in tantamount transcendence is oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen (OCHN). 

The adult human body subsumes 70 kilograms of  OCHN underpinning calcium and phosphorus synthesis-- (in tandem approximates 2  kilograms)  framing  bone  formulation  that locks on bone matter's -- prodigious physical plane supra-durability

• Calculating the exact number of bones in the human skeleton simply impossible. Firstly, bone development varies abundantly in the Earth's multitudes. For example in 20% of people there are deviations in the number of vertebrae. One person out of every twenty has an extra edge--while adult men's extra edge occurs  3 times more often than women-- (contrary to the biblical legend of the creation of Eve from Adam's rib). 

Secondly, the amount of bone changes with age: over time, which if broken (fractured,chipped, etc.) the bone healing process  formulates  empty stitches in  bone density. Therefore, no clear formulation/technique to count humanity's bones. Furthermore  the sacrum has a composition of five fused vertebrae. Consider...  one or five? No pronounced sacrum science certainty subsists. 
• The longest body bone - the femur, has a length which is usually 27.5% of total individualized human height. 

The smallest bone ? Ossicles (ear bones).

 1 of these literal ear seeds transmits vibrations 2 the eardrum as sensitive cells of the inner ear-- ossicles functions like a lever-- increasing the thrust of sound waves. Ossicles length is only 3-4 millimeters-- now you know why earbuds are sold...
• The smallest muscle in the physical body is a  muscle titled stapedius (location: inner ear). When the stapedius is too strong sound waves turn so that the ratio of the length of the shoulder bone-lever changes; and the gain of auditory sound drops.

Holler if you hear me !

• Precise specificity of the amount of muscle virtually impossible (The divinity of the human body).  

Anatomical Specialists account  humanity as beholding  400 to 680 muscles. Comparatively speaking:  grasshoppers are in the region of 900 muscles and varied caterpillars range to four thousand muscles. 

Duly note dried grasshopper protein powder is a mainline supplement for body builders due to  GrassHopper's

physical constitution. 

More bounce to the ounce. 

The total weight of muscles in man is approximately 40% of body weight-- women 30%.
• At rest or lying down, a person absorbs  400 -500 liters of oxygen, taking in 12-20 breaths per minute. For comparison modulation, the sequential breathing of horses 12 breaths per minute, 60 per in rats, and canaries utilize 108 breaths in 60 seconds.

Based on the aforementioned one can better correlate why a racehorse (thoroughbred) is so effective in horsepower and can travel cross country in pace during Settler America (1700 & 1800's).

• During Spring men/women's respiratory rate  on standard is one-third higher than in the autumn hence, those who suffer from bronchial/nasal allergies find inhaling fresh air  problematic .

• The adult heart pumps  10,000 liters of blood daily. Interestingly a special plasma punch is propelled into the aorta  approximating 130 milliliters.

One's normal heart rate at rest: 60-80 beats per minute, while women's heart's stir for 6 to 8 beats per minute more often than men. 

Enduring severe physical stress the heart can pulse and accelerated to more than 200 beats per minute. By comparison the pulse rate of elephants 20 beats per minute, the bull 25,  the frog (cold-blooded animals) 30,  rabbits  200, and  mice  500 beats per minute.

• The total length of the blood vessels in the human body one hundred thousand kilometers.
• What is allocated as  blood in the body in a state of rest-- is a quarter of the total volume of muscle and one-quarter of the kidneys-- 15% blood to vessels of the intestinal wall, 10% to the liver, brain  acquires 8%, 4%  sucks coronary in the heart, and 13% scampers to the vessels of the lungs and other vital organs.
• Each red blood cell contains about 270 million hemoglobin molecules. 

The lifespan of white blood cells is several months (yet duly discern there are several types of white blood cells, with varied terms of their life). In the adult bodies every hourly dies billions of erythrocytes and leukocytes 5,000,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 platelets. Dying cells are replaced by new cells produced in the bone marrow and spleen. During the day the body replaces  25 grams of blood.

• Bone marrow in adults has loose internal weight filling the inner cavity of varied bones--the marrow weighs an average of 2600 grams. For 70 years of one's life, one cedes 650
pounds of erythrocytes and for leukocytes a literal ton.

• The human nervous system accommodates  10 billion neurons and seven times more cells that serve/supporting/feed. Matchless 1 percent of nerve cells are busy with "independent work" -- which receives sensory data  from the external environment-- then orders commands to the muscles. Ninety-nine percent of these intermediate nerve cells oblige as amplifying/transmitting base of operations.
• The largest nerve cells in  humanity is 1000 times mightier than the tiniest. Max body thin nerve fibers have a diameter of only 0.5 micrometers the thickest beloveds 20 micrometers.
• More than half of all neurons are concentrated in the cerebral hemispheres.
• The total area of ​​the cerebral cortex varies from 1468 to 1670 square centimeters.
• The cranial nerves in the brain embraces 2.6 million nerve fibers sanctioning 140,000 (about half)-- of the outgoing fibers to carry orders to the muscles of the eyeball-- (running thin/ fast/complex movements) of the eyes. 

The remaining nerves control facial expressions (chewing, swallowing, gulping,etc.) and the internal organs. Of the incoming nerve fibers  two million.. are visual.
• In 60 seconds blood flows through the brain AT A VOLUME of 740-750 milliliters .
• Thirty years of life a people eradicate on the daily 30 to 50 thousand nerve cells thereby reducing the basic dimensions of the physical brain. Amid this process the brain not only loses weight but  revises shape absorbs more external stimuli. In men, the weight of the brain is maximal in 20 to 29 years women... 15 to 19.
• Normal visual acuity is 0.0003 arc per minute, and the eye can distinguish a well-lit object with a diameter of one-tenth of a millimeter at a distance of 25 centimeters. 
However, if the visual subject object  illuminates; it may be markedly less. A hole in a diameter of 3/4 thousandths of a millimeter-- punctured in a sheet of tin  lit by a lamp-- discerns good discrimination medially normal eyesight.

• Blood cells steadily perish and recouped by neoteric cells. The life span of the erythrocyte cell 90-125 days and leukocytes animate several hours to several days.
• The adiposity of the human brain is 1/46 of total body weight, and the weight of the brain of  elephants just 1/560 of body poundage.
• The human eye is able to distinguish between 130 to 250 pure color tones and 5 to 10 million mixed shades when unfettered.
• Complete eyes'  adaptation to darkness takes 60 to 80 minutes.
• A finger is able to feel the vibration amplitude in two ten-thousandth of a millimeter.

• In one minute passes through skin 460 milliliters of blood.
•Scattered in the skin are 250,000 receptors  in which  30,000 are cold receptors-- 30,000 for heat receptors and a million painful endings (warning signs). Touch receptors tally half a million to 3 million ensconced in sweat glands.

• Human hair grows at a rate of 0.35-0.40 mm per day. During the day hair becomes longer-- and in one count the daily total boost in the panorama of  hair--thirty meters.

• The inner ear has a cumulative minimum of 25,000 cells  echoing  resonance. The frequency range of perceived hearing intervals peaks betwixt 16 to 20,000 hertz. 

With increasing age sound hearing  reduces-- particularly the reduction of the sensitivity to high-pitched audio. When one effectuates 35 years the topmost limit of hearing falls to 15,000 hertz.

• The auricular is most sensitive at the sound vicinity of 2000 to 2300 Hz. The sans pareil auditory range for music ( ability to distinguish  height) is in the district of 80 to 600 Hz. One's ear  ascertains two sounds with  frequencies of 100 Hz and 100.1 Hz. Humanity can demarcate 3 to 4 thousand tones of disparate heights.
• We recognize  intonation via 35 to 175 milliseconds when sound waves vibrate the ear. 
• Upon the tongue dwelleth 9,000 taste buds. The best temperature for their best work 24 degrees Celsius. (Elite Gourmets utilize this factoid in food preparation)

• The olfactory area of ​​the nose-5 square centimeters. The nose has a a million olfactory nerve endings. Olfactory nerve fibers  originating at its end receives 8 molecules of odorous substances. The sensory feeling of smell when excited activates no less than 40 nerve fibers.
• Fingernails grow at a rate of 0.086 mm per day and toenails 0.05 millimeter. During the year the fingers enlarges  two grams of nails.
• When chewing jaw muscles develop force on the molars upwards to 72 pounds, and  the incisors rise to 20 kilograms. Chewing  bread requires 25 kilograms of force and chewing red meat - 15 pounds. 

Chomp !

• On one square millimeter of gastric mucosa the accounts for  one hundred glands  secreting digestive juices.
• The small intestine (where the absorption of digested food into the blood occurs)-- has on its inner surface  5 million villi ( finest hair-like outgrowths)-- the internal biological data in which nutrients  absorption is measured.
• To sip water a little or a lot? Numerous measurements have exhibited that  male's swigs in one gulp an average of 21 ml of fluid... women 14 milliliters
• Thirst occurs when water loss equal to  one-percent of your body weight. The loss of more than 5% leads to fainting-- more than 10% -- death from desiccation.
• Fresh fingerprint weigh about one-millionth of a gram. 
Fingerprints inheres water, fat, protein and salt allocated by skin.
• Sorry tough guys-- men cry 1-3 milliliters of tears daily that are perpetually produced by tear glands moisturizing the cornea of ​​the eye-- offering protection from exposure to air/ dust.

• The human body aggregates/encompasses 700 enzymes.

Reciprocity for the overwhelming LOVE from Nation's of Earth too magnificent for me to download in any single gratutity !

Gratitude to our All Encompassing demographics my CUP truly runneth over !

 I'm truly vibing with you ! Much obliged... 

Eric G. Satterwhite Scaling the Walkway to the Ancient Ones (Giza Complex EGYPT)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Views from Beyond: Article Share

Folks are sick and tired of being sick and tired...the following article is in synchronicity with current conscientious events...



Updated: December 9, 2014


Gary Norris Gray-BASN Staff Reporter
We are at the crossroads in racial relations in the United States of America. Unfortunately we are still viewing images in Black and white in this country. Since The 44th President of the United States entered the White House confrontations have increased year by year.
 The events in Ferguson, Missouri, Cleveland, Ohio, and Staten Island, New York prove that this country definitely needs judicial restructuring, police training, and racial understanding.
This is not a Ferguson, Missouri problem, this is not a Cleveland, Ohio problem, nor is it a Staten Island, New York problem, it is an American problem. With the assistance of the broken justice and police systems racial harmony cannot be found.
It has escalated with the help of rich African American stars. The system of oppression, white supremacy, and white privilege continues to be alive and well.
Just think if Mr. Brown had been white or if Mr. Gardner were white we would not be having this conversation. There would not be protests all over this country and lastly the police officers would have treated Gardner and Brown in a civil manner.
The Question should be asked WHY?
Here are some of the reforms that could be implemented immediately to change a broken judicial system.
1) An independent prosecutor when cases of police officers and civilians are involved.
2) A transparent and representative Grand Jury panel with the community’s population.
3) Employ police officers that represent the city’s population or that live in that city.
4) A separation of powers between District Attorney, Prosecutor, and the Police Force.
5) Every City should create a Civilian Police Review Board.
6) Steroid testing at least once a month for all police officers.
7) Cultural and sensitivity training by all officers each year.
8) A body camera on every officer on duty.
9) Civilian ride along programs on non-threatening or dangerous calls.


charlesFormer basketball star and now TBS sports broadcaster Charles Barkley often speaks his mind on issues of race in this country…’ The Round Mound of Rebound’ spoke out again this past week.
Mr. Barkley has aspirations to be the governor of his home state of Alabama. This is a very odd way of attaining white votes. Sir Charles throws dirt on the African American community. The same community that loved and supported him in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Houston, Texas, and Phoenix, Arizona.
This time it was the events in Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island, New York.
Mr. Barkley beware, remember O.J. Simpson, remember Tiger Woods, Robert Griffin III, Michael Joe Jackson, and lest we forget the current episode and attack on Bill Cosby.
Remember you threw a young man through a plate glass window and stood over him saying “I don’t care if you bleed to death.”
The police should have thrown you in jail but because of your celebrity status, you my friend walked free.
The same individuals that put you on television and made you a star can bring you down… Just mention something the master does not agree with or that is against the GOP-right wing-TEA PARTY political agenda. They will boot you out, call your name, muddy your reputation and end your public life.
Barkley stated that the looters were wrong and the scumbags of the earth. That maybe true but if you are a scholar of American history every single significant political movement has had either ended in violence or monetary consequences. It may have been wrong to burn and loot stores but it got America’s attention-AGAIN.
Sir Charles is doing the master’s bidding. He stated years ago in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Case, that “Zimmerman had the right to kill Travon Martin, because he was defending himself”.
It is very, very, interesting how the media covers stories like this
Whenever there is a civil rights issue or event CNN, Fox News, and other major News agencies find these conservative Black males and throw a microphone under their noses.
The question we need to ask is why?
These networks get the sound bites to play over and over on the network news. The House Negros, The Uncle Toms, The Oreo Cookies, and Conservative Blacks whatever you want to call them hamper the real Black political and social agenda.
The Self Hate Gene is in full force with Charles Barkley helping the enemies of The Dream Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. planned 45 years ago.

We need to ask why these same networks don’t interview Dr. Cornell West, Tavis Smiley, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson or our own Eric Satterwhite or Professor Fred Whitted.  Because they (networks) are not going to get the canned response they want and they cannot control the spin of the conversation.
Sound bites for example if Rodney King had to stop moving they would have stopped beating him. THAT WAS AND STILL IS POLICE BRUTALITY STRAIGHT UP!!! IT HAPPENED AGAIN IN NEW YORK….
You’re telling me that six police officers with night sticks, teasers, guns, and six patrol cars could not subdue a lone Black man driving his car who had been drinking and driving. REALLY?
If it were not for the black and white video America would still not believe it.. Some people still don’t today.. DON’T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES, talk about blind justice, that woman who is blindfolded above the court stairs needs to take her blindfold off because it’s not working.
Sound bites for example if Eric Garner did not sell those loose cigarettes on the streets five of New York’s Finest (NYPD) would not have jumped on him, bring him down to the ground and choke him to death. He was a big elephant making him an animal.
This recent event is most tragic because Mr. Garner did not fight the police. Mr. Garner did not resist arrest, and Mr. Garner did not punch, kick, or spit at police … still they attacked this unarmed man and got him to the ground and choked him to DEATH!!!!
This is a Civil Rights violation.
Sound bites that if Tamir Rice had not been playing with that toy gun in the street he would be alive today. Little boys all over the country play with toy guns all the time so just STOP IT, STOP IT before you start sounding stupid.
The police responded to the RICE call and should have asked questions before firing the deadly shots in 14 seconds. Now there are reports surfacing that this officer was unstable and a Cleveland suburban police force would not hire him just a few months earlier. Maybe this man should not have been in uniform.
Also the 911 caller mentioned that the gun may have been a toy gun. Alarm bells should have gone off and the officers responding should have taken their time. But in our John Wayne society, shoot first and asked questions later, this is the results.
To parents of boys of color DO NOT GIVE YOUR SONS TOY GUNS it could be a death sentence.
Remember this fact this Christmas holiday.
The Grand Jury in New York did it again!!!! Now African Americans are losing faith in this country, losing faith in Americans as a whole and losing faith in America’s police force.
These same police forces are getting armored cars and automatic weapons through the federal government program. REALLY?
Why do they need them? Are they going to war? Who are they fighting?
Now I really fear for ALL young African American males in this country… there are no checks and balances in place and we are in trouble, REAL TROUBLE…
The people at Fox News Network should be questioned for their ethics. An example of this was interviewing the Ferguson Police Chief after the city and the country had calm down. The Police Chief said he was looking into the charges of inciting a riot.
Mr. Brown stepfather was upset saying what he said. “Burn This B**** Down.” That only restarted the cycle of violence. Is this what Fox News wanted or needed to keep their high ratings? If so, it is a sad commentary for our television network news.
 If the City of Ferguson were smart they would fire this police chief and restructure that police force. But how smart are we? As my friend Cowboy Reggie Howell Walston from WCLM-1450 Richmond, Virginia states many times. “I DIGRESS”!!!
That would be the positive thing to do but America’s ONE PER CENT is too busy trying to control people of color.
Second the issue of free speech. Is it o.k. for the White Knights, the KKK, and other radical left and right wing groups speak up on whatever they wish but when five Black Saint Louis Rams football players enter the tunnel for the Oakland Raider-St. Louis Ram Game with their hands up-don’t shoot position, like the Ferguson protesters? It did not sit well with some individuals in the St. Louis Area.
The Fraternal Order Council of the St. Louis Police Department complained and wanted those five players fined and suspended… The National Football League did not respond. Neither did the St. Louis Rams Football administration.
blAFor those who don’t remember or not old enough to remember the 1968 Summer Games in Mexico City, Mexico. John Carlos and Tommy Smith raised their Black fist in the air and stepped on the podium with their bare feet standing in protest of the poverty and unemployment rates in the Black community.
Carlos and Smith were called everything but the son of Satan, when they returned home to the United States. They were traitors to Americans and America. People stated that we sent you and paid for you two BOYS to win gold medals for the United States of America, not air America’s dirty little secrets in public.
 These two Black men walked through hell the next four years; nobody would talk to them, interview them, or praise them until the 20th anniversary of those summer games.
A Statue now stands at San Jose State University of Smith and Carlos with bare feet and raised fist. They are Spartan graduates.
COULD THE SAME EVENT happen all over again in St. Louis, Missouri with the Rams football team? I just hope those five football players do not go through what Carols and Smith went through in the 1970′s.
Last point we must ask America, where are the people that care?
Or are we just walking around singing and dancing to the top ten hipster tone “Because I’m Happy” by Pharrall Williams…
It reminds me of the 1988 song by Bobby McFerrin years ago “Don’t Worry Be Happy” when African Americans were going through a hard economic time. History is repeating itself.
Gary Norris Gray – Writer, Author, Historian. Gibbs Magazine-Oakland, California and New England Informer- Boston Mass. THE GRAYLINE:- The Analects of A Black Disabled Man, The Gray Leopard Cove, Soul Tree Radio In The Raw, and The Batchelor Pad Network on Disabled Community Activist. Email at
©Copyrighted Gary Norris Gray @ Gray Leopard Prod
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