Saturday, April 27, 2013

NBA (2013) Preview Review: Beyond the miscues?

by Eric G. Satterwhite

October 2012 was the time frame when the below listed NBA team forecasts were 'cyberspaced' at the ole' domain (ericgsatterwhite, The afoot at odds 2013 birth  featuring  Western Conference #3 seed the Denver Nuggets confronting the Western Conference # 6 seed NorCal's Golden State Warriors~~ allying namesakes is Fort 'Knoxed' with gold canonical perimeter amusement.

Likewise, the chronicles afterwards will reminisce my forecast of 2013 Eastern Conference #4 seed the Brooklyn Nets skirmishing the Eastern Conference #5 seed the Chicago Bulls who goad basketball goal sanctions.

Indeterminably, 2 NBA coaches who were pink slipped at 2013 season end (the Cleveland Cavaliers Byron Scott and Detroit Pistons Lawrence Frank) are resuscitated from my October 2012 archive preview with working knowledge that NBA suits (Scott and Frank) will resurface in NBA coaching circles~~ forasmuch the last shall be first as  (Scott/Frank)  surnames double as first names guaranty NBA warranty.

Game always recognizes game.

My word is bond....

Golden State Warriors:  Golden State Head Coach Mark Jackson  (3rd All Time in NBA career assists) was a dime dropping cashier endowed in the coaching power of observance~~motivation~~ ~~verbalization, and trust of internalized intuitive instincts over a customary coaching chalkboard. 

Jackson not known for diagramming plays during timeouts  has been initiated into translating his inner vision to outward Association winning. No magic Mark-er Jackson’s strength to construct coaching artwork via a wet board during game time could be the next step in Jax coaching development since words alone rendered a 35% success rate  in Magic Mark's inaugural coaching season (first at any level). 

Jackson breezed in at the gusty Alameda County new hire press conference with a gutsy edict~~ that the Warriors will be a playoff team in his first foray at the Oracle Arena helm. Coach Jax vision for year one was a “hand down man down” Oaktown let down but the likeable Coach~~ emboldened by a Northern California fan base who respect the bold and brave simply let Jax words fade.

First time lead suit Jackson had a plethora of on the job thoughts last season envisaged here: 

“My knowledge of the court observes what is all around... Oracle Arena lights up the fans cheer in surround sound.
My coaching mic flares up internalizing my game approach this is where I'm at~~ an NBA head coach…I’ll give my players a high five 'cause I take no jive.  Hands in pocket while I post the sideline no need to be tense my presence is excellence. Looking at the other team my guards can stutter step… shaking that squad up since those brothers slept. Looking at that other team heavy on ego they think they can out run us will throw the first blow. My plan is now in effect call the play out just a figure of speech give the ref’s a shout out. Silent standing while coaching we back pick a fade away the opponent fate has been played let’s not give the game away. Watching the action the leather rock meets human flesh we’ll practice tomorrow to see who got next . I’ll create various contests will go one on one demand a showdown to see who wants it son. I need defensive steals not petty theft more larceny in the NBA playa'… it’s you or me. I need to preach to these cats can’t let ‘em slide… will work on closeouts from the weak side. Time for me to tap my repertoire and administer my innovator… I need an up-tempo style for that defensive soap-boxing…see you later.” 

Jackson opened up last season with a demonstrative defensive demand that was and is simply NOT the persona of his roster. Distancing oneself from “Nellie-Ball” is one objective asking greyhounds in blue and gold uniforms to be spiked collar rebounding Rottweiler’s is another. 

Jackson’s starting backcourt of Seth Curry (2012 3rdleague wide in 3 pt FG %) and Klay Thompson (2012 17th league wide in 3 pt FG %)  children of former NBA players (Dell Curry and Mychal Thompson) are in the league on predilections of offensive as opposed to voracious lock down defenders. Power forward David Lee (2012 17th league wide in FG%) will double points double  rebounds (3 consecutive seasons) his way thru the NBA landscape with the consistency of BART system commuter delays yet, his post defense as  a shot blocker (187 career blocks) pales next to 898 career turnovers.
Forwards Brandon Rush (Warriors best perimeter defender), senior Warrior 11 year vet Richard Jefferson, 5 year vet Carl Landry, and rookie Tarheel Harrison Barnes elicit far more enthusiasm in offensive transition than defensive back pedaling. Jackson ransacks baseline security in missing in action center Andrew Bogut.  Jackson’s open door fortress Warrior defense allowed teams an average 101 points per game (28th of 30 defensive ranking in 2012). Bogut acquired in the trade that sent Oracle Arena fan favorite Monta Ellis to the Milwaukee bucks last season has yet to dress and play under duress for Jackson provision of assumed defensive relief. Until Bogut can suit up Jackson has Warrior veteran Andris Biedrins and late bloomer rook Festus Ezeli gobbling up 5 position minutes. 

The Warriors were 12th in offense last season  heralding their NBA DNA/RNA genome. Coach Mark Jackson amassed 10,000 plus assists in his NBA career its Jackson job to assess Warriors strength and maximize the roster its natural balling habitat and instinctive offensive denouements. Savvy sides suggest that the Coach will get it right.

Brooklyn Nets:  Brooklyn’s in the house!
Allow me to digress and take a brief personalized memory lane stroll with me. It’ll be quick. During my youthful formative highly socialized party years-- I attended a college dance at Baruch College located in New York City (circa early 80’s). On this cold wintry Saturday night streams of fly guys and fly girls (yes yes y’all) converged from all 5 NYC boroughs and beyond to socialize, fraternize, and harmlessly harmonize. The peppy DJ regulating the wheels of waxed steal-- verbalized the mandatory roll call for any East coast social during this era. Is JERSEY in the house? Is MANHATTAN in the house? Is the BRONX in the house? Is QUEENS in the house? FinallyIs BROOKLYN in the house? When Brooklyn (BK) attendees responded it was akin to a lion’s roar amped by a abiding melodious bass drum. For whatever reason being that roll call response reverberates to your fellow stroll strider it was crystal beloved… BROOKLYN’s in the house. The State of New Jersey has been shorted an NBA franchise and even NJ’s sitting Governor frank “hasta la vista baby” well wish to the Nets organization had the  serendipity of a pride of half starved lions less than 10 feet away (regulation sized bball goal) from an disabled water buffalo.  

The vagabond Nets existence began as an ABA franchise (by land) in 1968 known then as the New Jersey Americans (their former red, white and blue uniforms have been authenticated). 

Chuckle on folks- save the hearty laughter when you realize the American’s original home venue was the Teaneck armory. LOL is now official. In 1968 the Americans became the Nets and New Jersey went New York as the Nets (by sea) played home games in Long Island. In 1977, the Nets merged into the NBA with 3 other ABA franchises (Denver, Indiana, and San Antonio) before going back to New Jersey (by bus) and playing at Rutgers Athletic Center commencing their “what way to Piscataway” locale.  In 1981, the Nets relocated from their college venue and cruised the NJ turnpike to East Rutherford (by personal vehicle) before closing out their NJ escapades in Newark (by train).The Nets cardinal beginning In BK (by bridge) conveys refreshed ambition for a franchise  with historical grounding suspicion. Brooklyn brass is sweeping in their declaration, “We are housed in BROOKLYN!” Lord of Flatbush Coach Avery Johnson has a skillful 5 array amid “Brooklyn “Brook Lopez, Kris “Red Hook” Humphries, Gerald “Greenpoint” Wallace, All star Joe “Canarsie”Johnson, and All star Olympian Deron”Crown Heights’ Williams. Lord Avery retains reserve relief betwixt Reggie “Brownsville” Evans, C.J. “Park Slope” Watson, Andrae “Bed-Stuy” Blatche, and MarShown “Bushwick” Brooks boosting the attentiveness/curiosity of BK supporters. Brooklyn a Metropolis within an Metropolis, a City within a City, and neighborhoods so diverse each Brooklyn block renders new visuals as if one is time traveling. Barclays Center is the setting for the Nets who will find love and hate in the BK as richly divvied as a slice of Junior’s cheesecake. Not since MLB’s Brooklyn Dodgers bundled for the Los Angeles sunrise in 1957 has the BK displayed a major sports franchise. 
For the 1st time the Nets franchise have a stable abode as plain as black and white. BROOKLYN’s in the house!
For the 1st time the Nets franchise have a stable abode as plain as black and white. BROOKLYN’s in the house!

Chicago Bulls:  Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf owns surplus financial security unequivocally derived by retired jersey #23Michael Jordan. Jordan’s 1984 arrival in ChiTown by virtue of performance alone—manufactured/actualized Reinsdorf’s coffers-- as the hottest Windy City sports ticket for 20 plus consecutive years. 

The Bulls prodigious waiting list for season tickets multiplies annually competing only with Global gas prices. Chicago culminated the 2011-2012 campaign (ho hum headmost in Association attendance), again. The Bulls securitized support via United Center turnstiles is the only assured guarantee for 3rd year Coach Tom Thibodeau. 

Thibodeau has tipped off his NBA coaching career on another plane-- as if he missed his initial flight. Thibodeau’s outlandish regular season bench efficiency may screech to the halt of a braking Windy City ‘L’ train in Bulls franchise year 47.
Fa sho' Thibodeau will chase the Eastern Conference top seed as his coaching birthright.  Thibodeau’s honest approach (concentrated in each game he coaches) grants Coach “Tibs” adjustment dibs over distracted opposing coaching staffs. Thibodeau’s gaudy bench register impresses but,  the NBA is a player’s league--where on court talent rules-- and Chicago; without Derrick Rose glides with the maneuverability of a Winnebago. 

Rose the NBA’s youngest MVP blew out his ACL in 2012and is conjectured to no show 75% of the upcoming regular season. Rose is determined to diminish the return timetable so hear ye hear you. ChiTown born and bred Rose duly note the last shall be first-- so the curse is patience— patience  returns the gifted to grander self-illumination.

Post presence pair brawny Carlos Boozer and Joakim “No Joke” Noah are Sears tower defenders-- optical manifestations for the “City of the Big Shoulders” needing W’s.

 All Star Luol Deng will be Thibodeau’s scoring three-- and has the military discipline of an MP--to sustain effective offensive artillery. . Sixth man Taj Gibson has to elevate his overall game modus operandi to sustain high brow consistency. Richard “Rip” Hamilton requires replication of 80% of his former Pistons peak play. Bulls ball handlers returning Captain “Kirk” Hinrich, micro/macro Nate Robinson, and National Champ rookie Marquis Teague by simply being themselves (not Rose) may have Chicago loitering around the last to “get in” playoff mix. Long range harvester’s Marco Bellinelli and bad Vlad Radmonovic are catch and shoot specialists balancing Thibodeau’s roster. The red and black Bulls defensive attack will force the artful/ugly NBA contest. In closing,  Thibodeau’s season three endured less an MVP-- may fast track the Coach to season long game film viewing misery. Indeed.

*Coaching preview review  milieu:

Cleveland Cavaliers:    Let’s start with staunch stationary statistical comparisons. The Cavaliers have endured two seasons of 40 wins and 108 loss hoops beneath Coach Byron Scott. Prior to Scott cavalierly walking the on court plank-- Scott’s predecessor current Laker Head coach Mike Brown--guided Cleveland to 137 victories and 27 defeats in Brown’s final  2 seasons.

During that same period Brown’s teams were 3rd and 2nd league wide in attendance. Scott’s timetable has the Cav’s rank 29th out of 30 teams in paid attendance and up eight notches to 21 last hoops session. 

Winning achieving elements have drastically modified since Zydrinas Ilgauskas and Shaquille O’Neal left Ohio lone NBA representative and the Nation’s 7th most populous State. Did anyone else of MVP caliber bounce from the Quicken Arena house? Smiles from the Cleveland pro hoops domicile as fans insurrection slam in the opposite turnstile direction....KAZAAM!

Detroit Pistons: Pistons Head Coach Lawrence Frank categorically denies any and all allegations that he is an over wrought 'coach-aholic' obsessed with analyzing his initial game preparations then re-reviewing the stratagems he deleted~~ while itemizing the minutia of his concerns~~ when psychoanalyzing offensive diagrams mixed by frank second guessing~~then eschewing the validity of  opposing player summaries leading  to tip off on game day. 

Schwooo !!!

Coach Frank has his mind on coaching and coaching forever on his mind. The Motor City hoop troop Frank commands aligns with the fortunes of Detroit where city boundaries and Pistons victories continued to be encroached and recede with regularity. 

Detroit has had 4 consecutive sub .500 seasons with the final 3 years blanking the Pistons from playoff competition.  The 42 year old Frank (the fifth Pistons coach in 9 years) rummages the Motown basketball junkyard with reclamation goals garaged on old and used parts.
The Detroit assembly line seeking to assemble the classy chassis of 21st century NBA Michigan~~ where the Pistons 'Cadillac'd'   1 NBA Championship (2004), 2 Eastern Conference Championships (2004 & 2005), and 6 consecutive Eastern Conference final appearances (2002-2008) . Detroit has currently performed with 4 quarters of flat tires and mechanic Frank tinkers relentlessly  to pimp the Pistons ride.