Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sports Cosmology: Excerpt II

by Eric G. Satterwhite

By overwhelming demand here is an additional excerpt from the book I authored (release date Fall 2013) 'Sports Cosmology'. Much obliged.

Sports of any rank is the main criterion of success for phases of training, allowing coaching instruction options to make the necessary adjustments to give competent  impetus to the further development of in-depth skills/nuances/applications of the game of basketball in a holistic format.  

Technology training trial techniques in the process of learning a separate gaming techniques have identified a number of interrelated and interdependent stages, during which with the help of specific methods and tools to solve specific teaching tasks. 

1.Familiarization with the reception task: to create a clear understanding of the elements studied engineering. Teaching methods: verbal, visual. Learning Tools: Post information about the reception, its place and importance of the game, showing the proper technique of the reception, demonstration posters, charts, film, photo and video materials. 

2. The study of simplified admission specifically created conditions.  Objective: to learn the basic structure of  game reception by the management of personnel receptivity to competitive challenges. Teaching Methods: A Practical (and dismembered holistic exercise). Teaching: and exercised based on the sequential playback phase by phase starting position, basic and detail engineering units receiving including the fixing of "boundary poses' (the location parts of the body at the time of the change of the preparatory, primary and final phase of movement); reception performance in the artificial restriction of degrees of freedom/range of motion execute the reception of effective individual performance at a controlled rate. 

3. In-depth learning of admission. Objective: To learn the details of the receiving equipment. Teaching Methodologies: A Practical (holistic exercise with working off the (electoral physical bio-machinery parts), in game and cardio capacity competition. Teaching: a holistic implementation of varieties of admission to competitive speed, exercises in difficult conditions (without visual control, with the space-time constraints, in terms of standard reaction); reproduction reception reacting in conjunction with other actions in real time game flow, the competition on the speed and accuracy of peak prime performance. 

4.Holistic formation of motor skill. Objective: Related to improve the technique and to develop specific physical qualities required for the effective implementation of this game reception. Teaching methods: conjugate effects, circuit training, game.Teaching: the dual nature of the exercise (eg, mass transfer performance of one arm of the shoulder under oxygenated duress) alternate exercises and techniques for the development of physical abilities (eg, dribbling in place elements of juggling multiple visual contemplation, then - a series of runs (zigzag,backpedaling, lateral adroitness, etc.--without the ball at varied distances), the complex nature of game tasks; relay and active games that involve the maximum realization of physical capacity and quality reception performance. 

5. A case study of the reception. Objective: To improve the technique in conditions close to the game speed in real time after under going displacement (time zone travel differentiation, above sea level ATP duress in minimal physical adjustment capacity, and restructured playing alignments due to injuries/player coaching ejections--reanimated real time game adjustments).

More to follow...