Sunday, September 7, 2014

by Eric G. Satterwhite

“It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you – Without a strong rhyme to step to
Think of how many weak shows you slept through
Time’s up, I’m sorry I kept you
Thinking of this, you keep repeating you miss
The rhymes from the microphone soloist
And you sit by the radio, hand on the dial, soon
As you hear it, pump up the volume
Dance wit the speaker ’till you hear it blow,
Then plug in the headphone ’cause here it go
It’s a 4 letter word when it’s heard, it control
your body to dance (You got it)…. SOUL”

(Hip Hop Lyricist Rakim, “I know you got Soul”)

Music and sound intertwines with sports with the equivalent boundlessness of wind currents. Imagine collegiate marching bands garishly garbed galloping triumphantly displaying unapologetic discipline when tuning the school’s fight songs–whereas the rhythmic band formations such as Grambling State University traverse the world globe displaying musical expression—daring dance steps aesthetically timed to real time bending. The NFL marketing gargantuan known as the Super Bowl– has league event coordinator’s pursuing halftime musical entertainment with the same zeal as those teams vying for the Lombardi trophy.

Olympic events herald Gold medalists with the comforting audio halo of the their respective National Anthem–while no professional USA sporting event commences without the instrumental/vocalized sermon avowed as the Star Spangled Banner.
As you consume this sound series supermarket sampler segueing into concepts of musical musings mustered by years of research/participation– platforming conceptions of musical sounds not commonly shared. Additionally, the endless multidimensional e layers that encompasses sound/vibration/resonance I intuit the necessity to lay this first finding foundation to flow on what drops next.

Here now Part 1….Let’s dance:

The saturated surround sound kaleidoscope of life is 24/7/365 (366 in a leap year) downloaded in a torrent of musical vibrations be it audible/inaudible. The acoustics of the daily powerful orchestral crescendo’s be it the rumbling of an underground subway or the cadence eloquence of the Bird kingdom– our ears embellish enduring musical scores everywhere. Lovely likeable lullabies lull babies into deep sleep lured tucked in with hummed harmonization.
Infants preternaturally tune to source fields of pleasant sound (consonance) and about face from unpleasant vibrations (dissonance). Awe inspiring sounds of sanctified symphonies stimulates/activates the same pleasure centers of the brain as a scrumptious meal, sexual stimuli, and intoxicating drug chemical reactions.

Why does music/sound domineer people and holds such sway ?

Indubitably notate mental music absorption whet innumerable ledger brain activity with an abundance of stimuli targeting cognitive activity. The mental dimensional active zones will differ depending on individual experiences and musical training .
Kindly note the ear has the fewest sensory cells in comparison with other physical senses: (the inner ear has 3.5 thousand hair cells, and the eye – 100 million photo-receptors). Humanity’s mental responses to music is extraordinarily plastered with plasticity, since the most miniscule musical training will alter the nature of the brain thought via “musical inputs”.

A simplified explanation of the mechanism of the effects of music is that music metaphysically “moves” the energy within living organisms as long as there is complete harmony – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Assorted ancient mystery school traditions overwhelmingly recognized the aptitude of sounds in languages. To this day organized religions still use mass gatherings  (Latin), to ritualized religious rallying ceremonies– employing near extinct languages since the alliterative ancient sounds (when pronounced correctly)–are considered sacred activating synchronicity with the ether.


Extinct languages enact resonance that spawn states where ancient humanity was vincinal to the Cosmos– and were not as immersed into the current paradigm of duality. Hence, why the language of Sanskrit is referred to as an ancient language of light. Let’s bring this latter point to present day relevance utilizing yours truly surname Satterwhite.

SAT in Sanskrit is translated: Sat(Sanskrit:सत्) is a Sanskrit adjective meaning “the ideal; pure and true essence (nature)” of an entity or existence in the Vedanta. It can thus be concluded as “the self-existent or Universal Spirit, Brahman”.

Contra distinctive intervals, phonemes, and aggregate vowel sounds devise poles apart harmonics and subtle impacts on the physical body–altering sound synthesis (in the form of brain waves/emotions that stroke the physical body). For example, notice that populace who verbalize varied oriental languages– have basic general population characteristics substantially divergent than rank and file that enunciate indigenous African dialects. One variable percussion on the aforementioned groups of Earth’s residents –is the tonality formulated with their distinct individualized voices.

In closing, our own rhythms are extra complete expressions of who we are than most would ever realize. Just lay back and observe a busy street and ogle the endless fluctuations of walking. Some folks bounce, others shuffle, a bit march, many are rigid, some seem flexible, and as someone who has everyone I know emulate my gait—some glide. Other variations inject jerkiness contra regularity of rhythm–or a calm rhythm versus a rushed rumba. Our individuate personality and emotions can be affirmed in the rhythm of our walk.

While one’s words may say one concept, our rhythm of speech/body expression guilelessly say another; revealing the deeper truth.

to be continued…