Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Metaphysics of Hoops Didactic: A basketball schematic

by Eric G. Satterwhite

*Many beginning coaches aware of my past success as a Basketball Head Coach-- typically request of me a outline of enduring Coaching methodologies. What follows next is-- what I share and has the intent to provide the worldwide demographic-less readership  a timeless cogent preparation road map-- for Hoop neophytes.*


RoundBall Theorems

 Theoretical training requires, above all, the ability to navigate the special terminology, understand the essence of the basic concepts. This feature provides a brief description of didactic principles, tools/methods, and description of learning the laws of the basic techniques of the game of basketball.

The learning process is based on the common position - the principles that reflect the educational process and the laws in this regard are binding-- in the solution of educational and training tasks. 

The basic training principles are: 
the principle of consciousness and activity, visibility principle... the principle of accessibility and individualization... the principle of gradual, and finally systematic principle and consistency.

The principle of consciousness and activity at training skills of the game of basketball includes:

Comprehension and understanding of dealing with nature and complexity of the studied technical device or tactical actions;

Introspection quality solutions motor tasks with the subsequent adjustment of their actions when they are played back repeatedly.

Effectiveness of training contributes to an active, interested attitude working to expand its motor capacities. Visible success can only reach the student who knows what they want, and are purposefully committed to this pursuit. 

Consequently, the task of the teacher/coach - is to awaken in their students the need for physical perfection. 

The principle of clarity involves the creation of the students intelligentsia a clear understanding of the studied material at various stages of  development-- based on the visual perception-- of a variety of locomotive actions. 

Besides the traditional explanations of generic coaching--  the teacher/coach exercises  the use of visual aids in the varied forms be it posters, photographs, drawings, etc.-- for more varied principles not limited to indispensable modern technology including video and computer technology. Varied visual vitals significantly extend the capabilities of demonstrating the best examples of the techniques/tactics of the game of basketball by downloading a kaleidoscope of intel for neural networking.

The principle of accessibility and individualization based on the preliminary assessment of the initial level of teacher/coach preparedness and individual capacities of pupils--  should be followed by the selection of manageable tasks-- according to the general laws of learning and education not talent level.

The learning activity - should yield tangible results in the assimilation of  material developed by an all encompassing coaching/teaching construction.

Selection and design of training exercises and games that require interaction involved in space and time--  should be based on the account of the achieved level of development via the physical, technical, and tactical capabilities of the participants.

Only a highly concerted practice regimen engaged in rendering efficiency of above listed  means supports comprehensive readiness. 

The principle of gradualness is organically linked with the previous principle and is formulated in the form of a methodological rule: "from the simple - to complex, from easy - to difficult". Gradualness implementation ensures unforced complexity of the program material with a tendency to expand the technical/tactical arsenal engaged to ensure further complication.

Game techniques learned autonomously--will improve the combination and in variant conditions-- gradually approach game accord readiness. The countering of objectives change the internal reserves from passive to active formats.

The principle of systematic consistency beseech prudent planning and regularity in training--the observance of rational continuity-- between sections of educational material in accordance with the nature-- and internal logic of the game. 

Generously note the lack of consistency in classroom instruction (on floor practice) leads to the extinction of motor skills and the exasperation of knowledge gained/acquired.

The aforementioned principles of training are heedfully intertwined in practice. No coaching/teaching methodology can be tellingly implemented independently of the other skill sets. 

The unity, interdependence, and complementary of disciplined principles - framework the basis of their effectiveness in the basketball genus. 

Designed and illustrated by Eric G. Satterwhite